Lance Biggers
Fragrance Lake up
Just over here trying to be a trail sister. #ttcb1 #tentrailschallenge #trailsisters #wannabe #sisterbyproxy #gonnabe #instafamous #obvi #pastywhite #deerintheheadlights #didiinstagramright
Stimpson Main Loop
Found a little bench to rest on during my frolic through the shire this afternoon. Do my #trailsisters like to sit pretty during their runs, too? Probably not, they're usually too busy bossing it on the trails to mess with #sittingpretty #ttcb6 #trailrunningwhilepretty #notacrime
lost lake loop
Stinky trail runner all up in here. #ttcb2 #toostinkyforawoman #nevergonnabe #a #trailsisters #lostlakeloop
Whatcom woburn to Hatchery PArking Lot
Do my #ducklips make me a better candidate for the trail #trailsisters ? Or is it the freshly trimmed beard? Just trying to keep my #femininefigure with all this #trailrunning. #ttcb7 #wannabetrailsister #runningishard
Two Dollar Down
Who's that guy getting in the way of the pretty waterfall? #ttcb3 #twodollardown #stillwannabe #trailsisters #impostor
Padden horse trails loop
Chilly morning jaunt through the woods. #trailsisters never let a little cold get in the way, #amiright ? Keep running my #polarvortex sistren (and brethren). #ttcb8 #howcoldisawitchestitexactly
Raptor Ridge
Alas, as I think someone once said, all good things must come to an end. This was the last of the #tentrailschallenge. It was an awesome month of running. Unfortunately, my pathetic attempts to enter into the sisterhood of the #trailsisters has failed miserably. I guess I'll just need to find some #trailbrothers. Or maybe we can all just be one big happy #trailfamily. And thankfully I've got my faithful, loving, silly #traildog to run by my side. Sorry ladies, she's the only one other than @5280yogirunner that I'll let kiss me.
Thanks @tentrailchallenge for organizing a great #virtualrace. #ttcb4
Lookout mountain Rufus Creek Down
Shocked to find a closed trail. Shocked I tell you. If I was a boss like a #trailsisters I'd probably run right down that trail. #whyigottafollowrules #ttcb9
Galbraith November to Kilo
No go karts at the family fun center 🙄 #trailsisters would've made it more fun. #bullwinkle would've been sad that it was just #trailrunning and no #minigolf. I'm bad at this #hashtag #instafamous thing. 🤦🏿♂️ #ttcb5
North Shore
Running with my #1 #trailsisterfromanothermister. Brought our super serious #gameface for #ttcb10. J/K, she's my #trailfiancee, but she is a badass #trailsistersand I'm just a pretender. She makes me better and a #happyrunner